The Big Reveal: Teacher Preparation Dashboards

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Teacher Preparation Data Model on the Road

I love maps. Maps present all the different possibilities to get from one point to another and provide the opportunity to chart your own course. My laminated, multi-fold map was my favorite companion in the…
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From Post-Its to Pilot: The journey of the Teacher Preparation Data Project

We’ll begin this story in June of 2016, which marked the official start of the Teacher Preparation Data Project. Though even to get to this point, there were many early sources of inspiration, sketches on…
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Many-Time School Consultant…First-Time School Parent

This will be my first year as a school parent. My baby girl (well, five-year-old big girl) is getting ready to go off to kindergarten and start her school career. As we prepare, there are…
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Freshman On Track Success at Chicago Public Schools

This makes sense. It is not revolutionary. It is not complicated, but it has been effective at helping to improve a problem that has had many failed attempts. The problem is the graduation rate at…
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Reinventing The Wheel
For years, many cities have undertaken the task of developing a citywide plan, agenda, goals, etc. around children and youth development and success. In most cases, this work is a collaboration between multiple organizations, including…
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Pure as the Driven Data
I like numbers. Numbers are facts. My weight scale reading for today: 165 lbs. Numbers are objective and free of emotion. My pedometer tells me that I ran for three miles today. However, as objective…
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