Owning Our Future: A Solution to the Property Ownership Gap

I’m a Black millennial property owner, of course we have the largest ownership gap of any generation. For decades, a massive property ownership divide has persisted between white and Black/Latine Americans. It’s getting worse. Data…
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We’ve declared Racism as a Public Health Crisis, Now What?

Since 2019, 50 municipalities and three states have declared racism as a public health crisis. The declarations are meaningful, but how do they lead to real organizational change? Despite the already huge and growing…
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“I’m not good at Math” in the midst of COVID

The Math struggle is real. Starting in third grade, I became convinced that I was just no good at math. As an educator, I saw hundreds of students who had the same belief I did,…
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No Justice? No Shit.

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Tiger Teams: Added Capacity to Reinvent for Next School Year

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Keeping it Reel

If a picture is worth a thousand words, picture this snapshot of the company culture at UPD. We work hard, and we spend a lot of time together on project teams. But “all work and…
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Implementing Early Childhood (PDG B-5) State Plans

As states receiving Preschool Development Grant (PDG B-5) funds from the US Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) complete their needs assessments and strategic plans, they should already be thinking about implementation. Proposals for…
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Our schools are not failing – they’ve been abandoned.

We all know that money alone won’t fix our urban education systems, but we also know that without appropriate resources, we can’t make the significant changes in systems, practices, and opportunities that students need to…
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Getting to the Core of Our Work

When I was a little girl, I was not very athletic but I was very social. I wanted to be where everyone else was and do what they were doing, even if I was not…
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Early Work in Ed-Fi Early Warning Systems

Does the Ed-Fi framework have the potential to serve as a foundation for a spectrum of approaches to early warning systems? I believe it does. But let’s ask ourselves a few key questions: Should Ed-Fi provide…
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