The Relevant

Jada Pinkett Smith (a native Baltimorean) and Spike Lee stirred things up by announcing that they’re boycotting the Academy Awards in protest over the fact that, for the second year in a row, not a…
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Many-Time School Consultant…First-Time School Parent

This will be my first year as a school parent. My baby girl (well, five-year-old big girl) is getting ready to go off to kindergarten and start her school career. As we prepare, there are…
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Have a job you love? Thank the job you didn’t.
I write this now, at the edge of the smallest town in which I have ever lived. Granted, I’m only living here two weeks, but still. The region of San Carlos is about 40 minutes…
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Perspectives of Summer
It’s summer time and that means many of us will be out and about with vacations, travel or just enjoying the summer sun. Summer vacations are often full of new experiences. It’s the time when…
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Lessons From A Consultant
As a consultant in the education space, it is especially valuable to think about how we add value for clients. I had the opportunity to work on a number of projects over the course of the…
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Resolving Our Resolutions

It’s that time of year again: a fresh new year and a fresh approach. Everything will be different this year. Except one thing, absolutely nothing changes from December 31st to January 1st except the calendar. So what…
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The Follower’s Manifesto
In my six years of teaching, I had plenty of colleagues who carried on non-stop private conversations through every faculty and department meeting they attended. The very educators who brought down the wrath of God…
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UPD’s Otis Rolley at TedX MidAtlantic
Check out Otis Rolley, Senior Manager for UPD’s Community Development practice, giving a thought-provoking talk at a recent TedX event in Washington.
UPD Consulting’s Douglass Austin at Ignite Baltimore
Learn More About Doug…