Don’t Leave Data Use Behind During the COVID-19 Crisis

Last week, I presented on a virtual panel as part of the Carnegie Foundation Improvement Science in Education Summit using UPD’s Data Life-Cycle Framework. During the session, we heard from participants that there is a…
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Putting the “Drive” in “Data-Driven”

While Harvard Business Review’s latest article “Companies are Failing in Their Efforts to Become Data-Driven” focuses on investments in big data and artificial intelligence made by large corporations, we see the same issues at play…
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Measurable Growth That Produces Immeasurable Impact

Football season is in full swing, and for those of us who care, it is the best time of the year. This year, as I watched training camp and pre-season coverage, I noticed something. It…
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The Value of Scrutiny

To paraphrase Stevie Wonder, “I am amazed but not amused” by the current contention that the “Youtube Effect” is partially to blame for the spike in violent crime that some cities are experiencing this year….
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Adjusting Is Hard

Adjusting is hard. You don’t need me to tell you that. You also know that it is a necessary part of life. Duh! What is weird though is that we (me included) often seem to…
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Perspectives of Summer
It’s summer time and that means many of us will be out and about with vacations, travel or just enjoying the summer sun. Summer vacations are often full of new experiences. It’s the time when…
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Freshman On Track Success at Chicago Public Schools

This makes sense. It is not revolutionary. It is not complicated, but it has been effective at helping to improve a problem that has had many failed attempts. The problem is the graduation rate at…
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Resolving Our Resolutions

It’s that time of year again: a fresh new year and a fresh approach. Everything will be different this year. Except one thing, absolutely nothing changes from December 31st to January 1st except the calendar. So what…
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