Where’s the Diversity in Consulting?

I recently wrote an op-ed on the importance of diversity in the school system, particularly among the teaching workforce. And while having diverse teachers is essential, diversity should not be confined to the classroom –…
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The Value of Scrutiny

To paraphrase Stevie Wonder, “I am amazed but not amused” by the current contention that the “Youtube Effect” is partially to blame for the spike in violent crime that some cities are experiencing this year….
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Adjusting Is Hard

Adjusting is hard. You don’t need me to tell you that. You also know that it is a necessary part of life. Duh! What is weird though is that we (me included) often seem to…
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Empathy For The People You Serve

The altercation between Sandra Bland and Texas State Trooper Brian Encinia has stayed in my head for the sheer senselessness of it and the tragic result, but also because of the lessons we might learn…
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Perspectives of Summer
It’s summer time and that means many of us will be out and about with vacations, travel or just enjoying the summer sun. Summer vacations are often full of new experiences. It’s the time when…
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