No Rest for the Weary

It didn’t take long, did it? We had barely five hours to absorb and process the conviction of Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd before Ma’Khia Bryant was shot four times and killed…
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Prioritizing Well-Being as Schools Reinvent

The Need to Support Student Well-Being In a flash, the pandemic disrupted the social and emotional well-being of many students. While some students appreciated having agency over their learning pace in the spring, large scale…
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Census 2020: The Count for Our Communities

We are approaching the September 30th deadline (as of 9/21/2020) to participate in a critical opportunity to influence how our communities are viewed, funded, represented, and invested in for the next ten years. That opportunity…
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Juneteenth: Let’s Band(wagon) Together

It’s nice to see mainstream white America coming to grips, however slowly, with the importance of acknowledging past wrongs and scraping away some of the historical whitewash used to alleviate (or maybe avoid) the white...
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