SLOs: When the O stands for Opportunity Some Advice for LEA/SEA Leaders

Student Learning Objectives (also known as SLOs, Student Growth Targets, and other aliases) are gaining momentum nationally as one measure being implemented by states and districts within their new educator evaluation systems. Briefly, SLOs are…
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Taking a Closer Look at Value Added

Last month I joined a team of UPD-ers and traveled around the state of Oklahoma training district-level trainers on Value-Added. During one of the sessions, a participant raised his hand and asked our team how…
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Teacher Evaluation and the Burden of Evidence
Over the last several years, school districts across the country have been rolling out more rigorous and detailed evaluation rubrics along with systems to help administrators and teachers collaborate, collect evidence, and share performance ratings….
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Can Early Teacher Evaluation Findings Help Change the Debate?
Over the past few years, states and school districts across the country have devoted significant resources to the design and roll-out of new teacher evaluation systems. Driven at least in part by requirements attached to…
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