The Transition

The transition back to school this year has not been easy for me. As I prepared to return back to school, I was not expecting some of the many changes that were made. They have…
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Taking a Closer Look at Value Added

Last month I joined a team of UPD-ers and traveled around the state of Oklahoma training district-level trainers on Value-Added. During one of the sessions, a participant raised his hand and asked our team how…
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Managing for Mastery
We have blogged about the topic of that last video post before, including a reference to Herzberg’s classic “One more time, what motivates employees?” And just like Herzberg, Daniel Pink points out that the three…
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Motivation Animation
Every once and a while that friend that sends you three forwards a day hits on something interesting. The other day, I received a link to a YouTube video from RSA that is a very…
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Value-Added Data and Special Education
At a gala for the American Association of People with Disabilities in March, Education Secretary Arne Duncan affirmed the current administration’s commitment to maintaining high expectations for special education populations, noting that “students with disabilities…
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