eSchool+/Ed-Fi Implementation
UPD helped CMSD determine what they needed out of a new SIS vendor by gathering requirements through a number of methods including including interviews and sessions with district staff, and parent and student feedback sessions….
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Data Diagnostic
UPD helped CMSD develop their School Choice portal, which was part of an enhanced system for their existing school choice program where parents can research schools and make informed decisions about where their kids go…
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Educator Evaluation System
UPD worked with the Hawaii Department of Education to design a new teacher and principal evaluation system for the 254 schools in the state of Hawaii. The implementation plan included a three year pilot, which…
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Data Diagnostic
UPD conducted an analysis of the state’s longitudinal data system by comparing the current state with where they wanted to be. This study formed the basis of the plan for the Race To The Top…
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Race to the Top Strategy Design and Response Development
UPD project managed the development of RIDE’s Race To The Top federal grant application. The process included gathering data to help develop strategies and initiatives that were required in the Race to the Top application…
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Data Warehouse Implementation
UPD managed the development of the State’s longitudinal data warehouse to track all public education students in the state from the time they enter K-12, through post-secondary education, and into the workforce.
Ed-Fi Implementation
UPD developed an Ed-Fi solution with a compatible Data Warehouse. Part of the Ed-Fi package included custom talent management dashboards with real time data in a central location. We also worked with Shelby to develop…
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Early Warning System Implementation
UPD developed an early warning system (EWS) for Shelby County Schools (SCS) as part of their custom Ed-Fi Dashboard suite. We created a custom statistical model for SCS to predict the likelihood of on-time graduation…
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Ed-Fi Training and User Adoption
UPD worked with SCS to implement a custom Ed-Fi solution including dashboards for talent management, an early warning system, and a data usage module. In order to ensure everyone at Shelby was prepared to use…
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System Design and Requirements Gathering
UPD conducted a three month data diagnostic for CMSD to help identify data system challenges, strengths and gaps. The findings focused on data quality and data governance structures, strengthening system connectivity and interoperatibility, and access…
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