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Improved equity = improved performance

When you’re ready to tackle the complex organizational changes that will empower your diverse teams to improve service to your ever-changing communities, having a capable, action-oriented partner makes all the difference. Our expertise in change management coupled with our broad experience in organizational equity initiatives will help keep your momentum going.

Organizational Assessments

“How do we figure out where to start?”

Assessments are useful for gathering information on current practices within your organization in preparation for prioritizing and planning. But too many assessments are completely unconnected to the change work that should follow. Our assessments, and the recommendations that flow from them, identify specific, actionable equity initiatives and interventions that will improve your organizational outcomes.

Some of our clients:

Training & Coaching

“How do we ensure that our training is supporting the change that’s ahead?”

Training is a necessary first step in the process of developing new skills and competencies. But people get better at new things by doing them. So, we have reimagined training and professional development to be less about passive learning and more about guided practice, intentionally connecting new approaches with conversations among peers, interactive exercises, and planned application to real world issues you’re currently dealing with in your own organization.

Some of our clients:

Strategy Development

“How do we create an equity plan that’s more than just a document?”

Strategic plans are often structured as an aspirational wish list, or worse, they’re just a list of the things the organization is already doing. Unless your strategic plan makes a direct connection between the new work you have to do and how that work is going to be accomplished, it’s anything but strategic. With change management as the foundation of our process, we can help you create strategic plans and action plans that are management tools your teams actually use to achieve better outcomes.

Some of our clients:

Implementation Design & Support

“How do we start new initiatives and make sure they’re sustained?”

Once you know what to do, that’s when the hard work really begins. It doesn’t matter how clear your strategies are and how much buy-in you have for them. If you don’t manage the change, you’re unlikely to succeed. So, we stick with you when the implementation work begins. We assist with the design process, and we embed with your team to help with the heavy lifting required to stand up new initiatives and make sure they last.

Some of our clients:

Performance Management

“How can we make sure we keep improving?”

Equity work is not technical work. There is no “blueprint” to follow. Changing equity outcomes is very difficult adaptive work that requires identifying, learning, and applying the new skills, new behaviors, and new competencies that only emerge from the work once you start doing it. We design and facilitate data-informed performance management routines that can help you identify and scale what’s working, and stop doing what’s not.

Some of our clients: